Who Am I

I grew up in the green hills of North West Tasmania where my love for nature was discovered. I would sit for hours watching baby ducklings hatch, lambs being born, cows milked, vegetables and fruit growing and big old black Tiger Snakes slithering…

I remember contemplating death, and felt there couldn’t ever be such a thing as nothing, while I witnessed the cycles of life renewing, reforming and emerging as the seasons changed. If nature didn’t ever really die, then surely that meant we didn’t either. Our physical body may wither, but the Spirit, the Soul, the Inner Spark, must exist somewhere beyond the body even after death. When we feed the Inner Fire, life continues and healing happens….this is what drumming can do.

The journey of Earth Medicine started for me back in 1998, where I was strongly drawn to do a course called Moon Lodge, run by the late Rita Morning Star in Hobart, Tasmania. I didn’t know why I was going, but there was no way I was going to miss it.

Never having drummed, sang or sat in Sacred Circle before the whole experience was so very new. I cried as my teacher shared the song Mother Earth for the first time. The song and drum opened my Heart and took me back to another time and place…it felt like I had finally found home.

My Heart, my Hearth, my Home…

Sacred Circle is a powerful opportunity to be heard without judgment as we are all One and all equal within the Circle.

Drumming takes us back to our original source, the original heart beat, the first sound we hear…our Mother’s Heart Beat.

The powerful beats and tones soothe the Soul, allow us to be present, and bring us out of our busy minds and into the body, while opening us to our intuition, the voices of our Ancestors and inner guidance.

I have studied extensively the teachings of the First Nations People of Canada, North America and the Medicine Wheel for over 24 years, Medicine meaning Spirit, Wheel meaning Energy.

Spirit Energy

I completed an Advanced Diploma in Sacred Arts with the School of the Feminine Divine, New Zealand from 2007-2009.

I have a Diploma in Nursing, and 4 children, my East, South, West and North. Thank you.

I wish to acknowledge and show my gratitude to Rita Morning Star, and Lesley Crossingham and her book Sacred Circle Ocean of Stars.

During 2024 I trained as a Guide for SEIT Tours in the Uluru and Kata Tjuta National Park NT Australia, and have the Uluru and Kata Tjuta Knowledge for Tour Guide Accreditation. This training and work has embedded an immense amount of gratitude for the Indigenous People of our Country, and I have learned a great deal of very important morals for living that we can all benefit from.

As the Wheel continues for future generations, come with me on a journey of healing and discovery as we learn the magic of the Medicine Drum together!

Blessings on the Journey,

Open Heart, Jane Anderson.

Southern Tasmania.