Midden, an ebook novel by Jane Anderson, tells the story of several tribes living on an isolated Island called Wyemena (Grandmother). This story cleverly intertwines facts, fiction, spiritual beliefs and survival skills of traditional cultures, creating an interesting, dramatic, sometimes humorous and raw look at how life may have been for people living on an isolated island, before being discovered by English settlers one hundred and fifty years later. Midden shows the beautiful exchange between people living in harmony with nature and mindfully off the land while connecting deeply with Spirit. 

Jane Anderson wishes to acknowledge she in no way claims to know the true living conditions, beliefs and ways of First Nations People. The story and characters are fictional.

She has included into the story some of her own spiritual experiences, dreams and encounters.

It also shows how healing after trauma can bring forgiveness and lessen the burden of past hurts.

Sneak Peak Midden Chapter 12 "Women's Business"

"The sound of clapping sticks and hands clapping accompanied the droning magical chants of the old women. There was a cracking sound, like thunder, and as the women watched in disbelief a tall feminine figure emerged from the bushes. It was muran bugana luwana, great light spirit of the night. She was painted, but the women could see straight through her. She danced and sang for the women for a very long time. Finally, she stopped and spoke softly to them: “I have come from the Dreaming to show you Truth. You must understand that there is much more to life than you know. You must teach the children to listen and respect the earth mama, or she will die from a broken heart. Teach them respect for their own bodies, so they will respect the body of the Great Mother. Teach them that jealousy, anger, guilt and shame are false gods that only serve to destroy.

Sacred woman birth the new, Sacred woman birth the new, Evolve, create, love who you are, Evolve, create, love who you are, And nourish yourself with beauty, And nourish yourself with beauty.

With that, the spirit entity turned swiftly and disappeared into the bush silently. The women cried themselves to sleep."

From Chapter 15 - “Walkabout”

"The morning was cold and still as he wove his way through the bush until he came across a waterfall that was rushing wildly. He drank from the pool below it and headed down stream thinking it was a good sign. He saw the abundance there in the bush. There were many birds, including the red breasted robins, blue wrens, and fire-tail finches. Also dragonflies, butterflies and a small brown snake, which he thumped with a rock and ate later that day. With the sun now warming him as he walked, he felt at peace and great reverence for the only world he knew. He stopped for a while and sat on a rock, resting and soaking in the warmth.

As he sat with his eyes closed, he felt a presence from the sun that he hadn’t experienced before. It was a sudden understanding that the sun was conscious of him, and was there just that very moment, for him, caressing his skin.

He felt emotion, as tears welled up in his eyes. After sighing heavily and breathing deeply, he started again down the side of the river. He walked all day until the river widened into marshlands growing wild reeds and grasses. Plenty of poisonous snakes there too, which he made sure to avoid. A flock of ducks were startled by him and took off noisily. He foraged around and found a nest with over ten eggs, so took one for himself and ate it immediately raw. It was warm, and the fertilized yolk thick and creamy."


“Dear Jane, thank you so much for sending Midden to me. I have now read the whole book in one sitting with a few breaks. I couldn’t put it down. I have not read a book in a very long time. The messages in the book were all very powerful. I have learnt a lot by reading your book. I am lost for words as to what to say. You are a very talented soul. I am so glad I decided to do your course (Awareness Studies). I don’t often take that much time out for myself.  So, this is change for me in itself.”

Juanita W. Feb 2024