
What an extraordinary week in the red centre! I have taken numerous photos, but they pale in comparison to the actual beauty that surrounded us. The Anangu people are a testament to the power of tradition and resilience. Their connection to the land is something we can all learn from, especially in this age of disconnection. This journey has been nothing short of life-changing, and I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the land and with each other. I would like to express my appreciation to Jane Anderson-Dixon from Sage Drums Tasmania for facilitating this humbling adventure. I am excited to see where this experience will lead us all on our paths of self-discovery and growth, Helen Halee, September 2024

"We did the base walk with Jane on a frosty July morning. Jane is a most magnificent guide, full of knowledge and presence. She seamlessly facilitated the logistics of the trek around Uluru, whilst also conveying the wonder and awe of the Indigenous stories. It was clear that Jane has a great respect for the Anangu. She invited us to journey with her into being present in the moment and for that we are deeply grateful. It made for a memorable and moving first encounter with Uluru. For a wonderful blend of wisdom and insight, we highly recommend Jane as a guide." Trip Advisor Review for SEIT Tours

SEIT Uluru Trek, August 2024

“The Red Centre Retreat with Jane was both a journey into the centre of my heart and  into the soul of this ancient land. I appreciated the weaving in of spaces for silence, sacredness and deep reflection around equally powerful times of deep wisdom and learning. Jane's understanding and sharing of the Anangu Creation Stories was respectful and honoring of the traditional elders and owners of the knowledge. Jane's authenticity, vulnerability and acceptance of each and every one of us, allowed me to open my heart even more fully and to be immersed in the experience at a transformative level. I absolutely loved every minute, including the unscripted, unplanned adventures that beckoned me further into surprising new depths of emotion and spiritual growth.  I highly recommend Jane as your guide on your next trip or trail. The container she holds for everyone is safe, loving and supportive. Thankyou Jane.” Mel Craven Yoga 2024.

Creating My Beloved Medicine Drum under the gentle guidance of Jane has been one of the best things I have ever done.

I felt both humbled and privileged to be a part of sharing in a powerful liniage of connection and Wisdom Teachings.

The Awe and deep gratitude it has awoken in me has continued from the start of the process to this present moment.

Im in Love with my drum and feel it is a presence that has found a way to materialise into my life so I can better communicate with and through it in healing of self, planet and others.

thank you Sage Drums for sharing this Art and magic.

Love and Blessings” Shaah Broughton, 2023

“I made a drum with my son to celebrate his 7th birthday and honour his journey towards manhood and mine towards energetically releasing him to his path.

Jane held the space so well, my son loves his drum and plays it often and Jane gifted us by singing and drumming with him, teaching him the songs, he loved it so much and we still sing and drum together.

Thank you so much Jane for facilitating this very special energetic transition for us.

I look forward to the same journey with my other sons.” Leah Rose 2021

“Today I attended a Women's Drumming and Meditation Retreat facilitated by Jane at Rosie's Bush Retreat in the Central Highlands.

Well what a magical, empowering experience it was. Drumming and singing together and a meditation, lunch and more of the same.

I highly recommend you attend one of these wonderful days.

I certainly will go again. Thank you Jane” Mandy Cooling 2019

“Making a drum with Jane was a beautiful experience. I love my drum! She is such a wonderful woman and gentle leader. I would highly recommend going along to any of her workshops or gatherings.” Bonnie McGee

“Sage Drums is lead by Jane in a truly authentic way. Jane facilitates a relaxing and nurturing time-out for women.With Jane's gentle approach, you will find yourself at peace and able to switch off from your busy life. At a recent workshop we travelled to a log cabin in the bush in complete silence which was a true gift in itself. You will engage with nature and be in the company of women who facilitate a deeper connection to Yourself and to the Earth. Go on and treat yourself, You deserve this.” Rashelle Szoke