Beading & Drumming Experience 24th November


Our next workshop will be on Sunday 24th November in Kingston

Learn to bead your very own drum beater, talking stick, smudging feather or wand. As we let go of expectations and allow the intuitive inner voice to guide our beading, amazing things begin to happen…intuitive beading allows time for focus, develops patience, meditation and trust…Traditionally called Peyote Stitch, Brick Stitch Beading, is an old craft that has a long history.  The designs and patterns are intuitive and not someone else's design.  Because this is a dance of trust each piece is guaranteed to be unique and a one off.

We finish the day with a Sacred Circle Drumming Experience and Sharing Circle

with Jane

Thank you.

Lunch and Beading Supplies Included


Kingston Neighbourhood House

BYO Drum Beater, Feather or Special Stick to Bead on.

Join This Experience

Our next workshop will be on Sunday 24th November in Kingston

Learn to bead your very own drum beater, talking stick, smudging feather or wand. As we let go of expectations and allow the intuitive inner voice to guide our beading, amazing things begin to happen…intuitive beading allows time for focus, develops patience, meditation and trust…Traditionally called Peyote Stitch, Brick Stitch Beading, is an old craft that has a long history.  The designs and patterns are intuitive and not someone else's design.  Because this is a dance of trust each piece is guaranteed to be unique and a one off.

We finish the day with a Sacred Circle Drumming Experience and Sharing Circle

with Jane

Thank you.

Lunch and Beading Supplies Included


Kingston Neighbourhood House

BYO Drum Beater, Feather or Special Stick to Bead on.

Our next workshop will be on Sunday 24th November in Kingston

Learn to bead your very own drum beater, talking stick, smudging feather or wand. As we let go of expectations and allow the intuitive inner voice to guide our beading, amazing things begin to happen…intuitive beading allows time for focus, develops patience, meditation and trust…Traditionally called Peyote Stitch, Brick Stitch Beading, is an old craft that has a long history.  The designs and patterns are intuitive and not someone else's design.  Because this is a dance of trust each piece is guaranteed to be unique and a one off.

We finish the day with a Sacred Circle Drumming Experience and Sharing Circle

with Jane

Thank you.

Lunch and Beading Supplies Included


Kingston Neighbourhood House

BYO Drum Beater, Feather or Special Stick to Bead on.