Midden - A Novel by Jane Anderson


Midden, an ebook novel, by Jane Anderson, tells the story of several tribes living on an isolated Island called Wyemena. This story cleverly intertwines facts, fiction, spiritual beliefs and survival skills of mixed traditional cultures, creating an interesting, dramatic, sometimes humorous and raw look at how life may have been for people living on an isolated island, before being discovered by English settlers one hundred and fifty years later. Midden shows the beautiful exchange between people living in harmony with nature and mindfully off the land while connecting deeply with Spirit. 

Jane Anderson wishes to acknowledge she in no way claims to know the true living conditions, beliefs and ways of First Nations People. The story and characters are fictional.

Jane has included into the story some of her own spiritual encounters, dreams and experiences.

It also shows how healing after trauma can bring forgiveness and lessen the burden of past hurts.

Chapter 14 “The Elders”: “Remember your song lines, they connect you to each other, the past, present and future. Teach your children well, and the memory and magic will not be lost. Even in the darkest days, joy will be found in knowing that the hardships and dark days are not permanent. It is up to your people to remember who they truly are to heal. This is the key to survival. This is the key to finding love.

This is the key to finding forgiveness.

You must remember, you must remember, you must remember...You are a privileged people. You live in an untouched place amongst some of the most beautiful plants and animals upon the Earth. Most of you live in great respect and gratitude, and it does not go unnoticed. Your commitment to the land and each other will keep you strong. There will come a time when your people will be tested and experience great pain. You will wonder why, with all of your beliefs and prayers, why this happened to you. Let it be known that it is sometimes through pain and suffering that we become stronger. We learn resilience, we must learn how to forgive, or hatred and fear will be the thing that ultimately destroys us. Only through rising above, and seeing, like seeing with the eyes of a great eagle, will you understand and find forgiveness, you must find forgiveness or you will be destroyed by your own madness, anger and fear”.


Dear Jane, thank you so much for sending Midden to me. I have now read the whole book in one sitting with a few breaks. I couldn’t put it down. I have not read a book in a very long time. The messages in the book were all very powerful. I have learnt a lot by reading your book. I am lost for words as to what to say. You are a very talented soul. I am so glad I decided to do your course. I don’t often take that much time out for myself.  So, this is change for me in itself.” Juanita W. Feb 2024

"Some books come at the perfect time; Midden is one of those books. The wisdom in these pages is much needed, the day to day lives of the characters, the values of family, friendship and tradition, the trials of loss and separation offer a panacea for todays challenges. Midden is infused with heart, encouraging the reader to reflect on their own place in the world and the way in which we move through it. Midden has that magical quality of making the reader feel transported into another life. The characters are rich, and authentic, they will stay with you long after you have finished reading

Jane Anderson has crafted an extremely engaging, and insightful view into a time past, the respect and care taken in writing this book is obvious to the reader."  

Diane Summers, Yoga Love Freedom Teacher, Tasmania

"Thank you for writing this special story, and that it stalked you enough to put it on paper - guided by Spirit to birth the healing message.

You have wonderfully woven in the different ceremonies and focus on women giving birth and the plant medicine used.

It helped me to understand the tribal ways and how the Midden developed over hundreds of years.

I especially love how you have described the different parts of southern Tasmania and how they would have lived - untouched and respected.

Hastings Cave & the thermal pool, had powerful energy through your writing, and could feel the healing spirits

It's been years since I have been there and saw it through new eyes.

Your channeled words have invoked a clear healing channel that is infused in your writing, and can palpably feel the transformation in the cave, it brought tears to my eyes…

I yearn for that simple life, paradise, connection, understanding, mutual acceptance from others.

I celebrate the time that this has taken to write and honour your commitment to the process, healing you through each phase, which will help to heal others."

Mariangela Parrodi

Alkymia – Passion, Purpose, Prosperity

Transformational intuitive, Naturopath, Wellness Coach, Lenah Valley, Tasmania.

"I've just finished Midden, thank you, so beautiful, heartfelt, words from and for the soul...Much love Jane, thank you. Anna." 25/01/2023

Discover This Story

Midden, an ebook novel, by Jane Anderson, tells the story of several tribes living on an isolated Island called Wyemena. This story cleverly intertwines facts, fiction, spiritual beliefs and survival skills of mixed traditional cultures, creating an interesting, dramatic, sometimes humorous and raw look at how life may have been for people living on an isolated island, before being discovered by English settlers one hundred and fifty years later. Midden shows the beautiful exchange between people living in harmony with nature and mindfully off the land while connecting deeply with Spirit. 

Jane Anderson wishes to acknowledge she in no way claims to know the true living conditions, beliefs and ways of First Nations People. The story and characters are fictional.

Jane has included into the story some of her own spiritual encounters, dreams and experiences.

It also shows how healing after trauma can bring forgiveness and lessen the burden of past hurts.

Chapter 14 “The Elders”: “Remember your song lines, they connect you to each other, the past, present and future. Teach your children well, and the memory and magic will not be lost. Even in the darkest days, joy will be found in knowing that the hardships and dark days are not permanent. It is up to your people to remember who they truly are to heal. This is the key to survival. This is the key to finding love.

This is the key to finding forgiveness.

You must remember, you must remember, you must remember...You are a privileged people. You live in an untouched place amongst some of the most beautiful plants and animals upon the Earth. Most of you live in great respect and gratitude, and it does not go unnoticed. Your commitment to the land and each other will keep you strong. There will come a time when your people will be tested and experience great pain. You will wonder why, with all of your beliefs and prayers, why this happened to you. Let it be known that it is sometimes through pain and suffering that we become stronger. We learn resilience, we must learn how to forgive, or hatred and fear will be the thing that ultimately destroys us. Only through rising above, and seeing, like seeing with the eyes of a great eagle, will you understand and find forgiveness, you must find forgiveness or you will be destroyed by your own madness, anger and fear”.


Dear Jane, thank you so much for sending Midden to me. I have now read the whole book in one sitting with a few breaks. I couldn’t put it down. I have not read a book in a very long time. The messages in the book were all very powerful. I have learnt a lot by reading your book. I am lost for words as to what to say. You are a very talented soul. I am so glad I decided to do your course. I don’t often take that much time out for myself.  So, this is change for me in itself.” Juanita W. Feb 2024

"Some books come at the perfect time; Midden is one of those books. The wisdom in these pages is much needed, the day to day lives of the characters, the values of family, friendship and tradition, the trials of loss and separation offer a panacea for todays challenges. Midden is infused with heart, encouraging the reader to reflect on their own place in the world and the way in which we move through it. Midden has that magical quality of making the reader feel transported into another life. The characters are rich, and authentic, they will stay with you long after you have finished reading

Jane Anderson has crafted an extremely engaging, and insightful view into a time past, the respect and care taken in writing this book is obvious to the reader."  

Diane Summers, Yoga Love Freedom Teacher, Tasmania

"Thank you for writing this special story, and that it stalked you enough to put it on paper - guided by Spirit to birth the healing message.

You have wonderfully woven in the different ceremonies and focus on women giving birth and the plant medicine used.

It helped me to understand the tribal ways and how the Midden developed over hundreds of years.

I especially love how you have described the different parts of southern Tasmania and how they would have lived - untouched and respected.

Hastings Cave & the thermal pool, had powerful energy through your writing, and could feel the healing spirits

It's been years since I have been there and saw it through new eyes.

Your channeled words have invoked a clear healing channel that is infused in your writing, and can palpably feel the transformation in the cave, it brought tears to my eyes…

I yearn for that simple life, paradise, connection, understanding, mutual acceptance from others.

I celebrate the time that this has taken to write and honour your commitment to the process, healing you through each phase, which will help to heal others."

Mariangela Parrodi

Alkymia – Passion, Purpose, Prosperity

Transformational intuitive, Naturopath, Wellness Coach, Lenah Valley, Tasmania.

"I've just finished Midden, thank you, so beautiful, heartfelt, words from and for the soul...Much love Jane, thank you. Anna." 25/01/2023

Midden, an ebook novel, by Jane Anderson, tells the story of several tribes living on an isolated Island called Wyemena. This story cleverly intertwines facts, fiction, spiritual beliefs and survival skills of mixed traditional cultures, creating an interesting, dramatic, sometimes humorous and raw look at how life may have been for people living on an isolated island, before being discovered by English settlers one hundred and fifty years later. Midden shows the beautiful exchange between people living in harmony with nature and mindfully off the land while connecting deeply with Spirit. 

Jane Anderson wishes to acknowledge she in no way claims to know the true living conditions, beliefs and ways of First Nations People. The story and characters are fictional.

Jane has included into the story some of her own spiritual encounters, dreams and experiences.

It also shows how healing after trauma can bring forgiveness and lessen the burden of past hurts.

Chapter 14 “The Elders”: “Remember your song lines, they connect you to each other, the past, present and future. Teach your children well, and the memory and magic will not be lost. Even in the darkest days, joy will be found in knowing that the hardships and dark days are not permanent. It is up to your people to remember who they truly are to heal. This is the key to survival. This is the key to finding love.

This is the key to finding forgiveness.

You must remember, you must remember, you must remember...You are a privileged people. You live in an untouched place amongst some of the most beautiful plants and animals upon the Earth. Most of you live in great respect and gratitude, and it does not go unnoticed. Your commitment to the land and each other will keep you strong. There will come a time when your people will be tested and experience great pain. You will wonder why, with all of your beliefs and prayers, why this happened to you. Let it be known that it is sometimes through pain and suffering that we become stronger. We learn resilience, we must learn how to forgive, or hatred and fear will be the thing that ultimately destroys us. Only through rising above, and seeing, like seeing with the eyes of a great eagle, will you understand and find forgiveness, you must find forgiveness or you will be destroyed by your own madness, anger and fear”.


Dear Jane, thank you so much for sending Midden to me. I have now read the whole book in one sitting with a few breaks. I couldn’t put it down. I have not read a book in a very long time. The messages in the book were all very powerful. I have learnt a lot by reading your book. I am lost for words as to what to say. You are a very talented soul. I am so glad I decided to do your course. I don’t often take that much time out for myself.  So, this is change for me in itself.” Juanita W. Feb 2024

"Some books come at the perfect time; Midden is one of those books. The wisdom in these pages is much needed, the day to day lives of the characters, the values of family, friendship and tradition, the trials of loss and separation offer a panacea for todays challenges. Midden is infused with heart, encouraging the reader to reflect on their own place in the world and the way in which we move through it. Midden has that magical quality of making the reader feel transported into another life. The characters are rich, and authentic, they will stay with you long after you have finished reading

Jane Anderson has crafted an extremely engaging, and insightful view into a time past, the respect and care taken in writing this book is obvious to the reader."  

Diane Summers, Yoga Love Freedom Teacher, Tasmania

"Thank you for writing this special story, and that it stalked you enough to put it on paper - guided by Spirit to birth the healing message.

You have wonderfully woven in the different ceremonies and focus on women giving birth and the plant medicine used.

It helped me to understand the tribal ways and how the Midden developed over hundreds of years.

I especially love how you have described the different parts of southern Tasmania and how they would have lived - untouched and respected.

Hastings Cave & the thermal pool, had powerful energy through your writing, and could feel the healing spirits

It's been years since I have been there and saw it through new eyes.

Your channeled words have invoked a clear healing channel that is infused in your writing, and can palpably feel the transformation in the cave, it brought tears to my eyes…

I yearn for that simple life, paradise, connection, understanding, mutual acceptance from others.

I celebrate the time that this has taken to write and honour your commitment to the process, healing you through each phase, which will help to heal others."

Mariangela Parrodi

Alkymia – Passion, Purpose, Prosperity

Transformational intuitive, Naturopath, Wellness Coach, Lenah Valley, Tasmania.

"I've just finished Midden, thank you, so beautiful, heartfelt, words from and for the soul...Much love Jane, thank you. Anna." 25/01/2023